
The ChatGPT - examples, use-cases, tools, APIs, extensions, fails and other resources.

03/12/2023 12:00 AM

The ChatGPT list of lists: A collection of 3000+ prompts, examples, use-cases, tools, APIs, extensions, fails and other resources.

A meerkat librarian working with books and documents on ChatGPT.

Oh, ChatGPT! Some 2 months on the market and a not so tiny ecosystem has developed all on its own, with lists of prompts, tips, APIs, use cases, extensions, success stories and failures. ChatGPT is the first true foundation model for the mass-market. Some of the posts, blogs, and articles dealing with this new phenomenom, well, really don’t deserve any attention. Like “The 10 Best Side Hustles with ChatGPT that Can Earn You $4,000 a Week.” But some of them are genuinely interesting. I’ll try to give you an overview on the more exciting applications.

Here is a breakdown of this story:

The ChatGPT ecosystem is moving very fast — if you know or even maintain a list of ChatGPT prompts or resources please drop me a note (respond to this article, send me the link and what it is about).

500+: (Marketing) content creation

ChatGPT has devoured the net like a ravenous digital beast. It has packed away so much world knowledge and facts, as if it feared the internet would be switched off tomorrow. But don’t be fooled, the most important thing it learned in the web is how to be a smooth-talker, how to spin messages for maximum marketing success.

400+: ChatGPT prompts for content creators, writers, bloggers by Lori Ballen

5x: Examples of well-engineered content creation prompts by Amin Boulouma

1x: Collaborative creative writing by Andrew Mayne

11x: Write a thread hook, CTA for Twitter or newsletter subject lines by Heather Cooper

8x: ChatGPT prompts for content marketing, email marketing, search and social media marketing by Dave Chaffey

20x: All things SEO: Generate, classify keywords, translate them, generate titles, metas, avoid duplicates, generate summaries, generate tech documentents like .htaccess or robots.txt. By Aleyda Solis.

5x: Still more things SEO: coding and content creation.

100x: Alexandra collected a long list of prompts for social media content creation (most of them are not really over-engineered)

50x: AI Art Prompts

Let ChatGPT write prompts for DALL-E, Midjourney or Stable Diffusion. I love these kinds of prompts — here’s one AI manipulating another AI, this is possibly a field where we’re going to see very big, very rapid advances in machine learning at some point.

2x: How to use ChatGPT to create AI art.

50x: AI art prompts for Midjourney by Mani

1x: Bildea Ana on how to let ChatGPT enrich a prompt

2x: Paul DelSignore on how to let ChatGPT write detailed AI Art prompts for a better outcome

16x: Music

ChatGPT is the saddest music software around, it’s almost like it’s suffering from a major case of having the blues! But what’s truly a mystery, is how this grumpy piece of tech can create tunes and chords at all, even though it can’t hear a note, play an instrument, or read a single score.